Monaco pipeline officially inaugurated

Hubert Aiwanger, Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, turns a big wheel. At the invitation of Bayernets, the 87 km long natural gas pipeline between Burghausen and Finsing was officially opened on 5 April 2019. This will secure the gas demand in Bavaria. The project is one of the largest construction projects in southern Germany. 5000 pipe pieces with a diameter of 1.20 m were installed, every 10 km a Schuck ball valve is installed as a shut-off element.

In order to test or clean the inside of a gas pipeline, a pig trap is connected to a pipeline. The so-called pig, which is used as a cleaning or inspection device, can be inserted into the line. Schuck received the order for .. pig trap with a length of … m and a weight of ..

The pig launcher received the priestly blessing.  The protection of this plant is assured.

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